university library;
The elaborate space given to prison riiles andexperiences during the Confederate War exceeds vkiai -was originally in- tended, so that the order of the articles is somewhat irregular. In a sense, there is repetition of expression in a few brief in- stances, but the needed emphasis will excuse that. Other im- portant features are necessarily held orenh'for another issue. When the hope of securing a picture ^.f -Captain Wirz was well-nigh abandoned, the following telegram was received from H. R. Schade, Washington, D. C. : "No picture of Wirz in family. Only one in existence, prdperty of government. Can have copy made by artist for half-tone use for ten dol- lars. Wire if you want it." The reproduction is here given.
1924 027 053 184
Cornell University Library
The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library.
There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text.
Adjutant General of the army. Annual report of the
Agriculture, Commissioner of, relative to duty on foreign stock. Letter from the
Agriculture, Commissioner of, relative to twenty per cent, extra compensatio.n. Letter from the
Agriculture, Commissicmer of, in response to House resolution of December 9. Report of the
Agriculture, Commissioner of, transmitting memorial of the Tennessee Horticultural Society relative to import duties. Letter from the
Alabama election. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmit- ting a report by Major General Meade relative to
Alaska, lands in. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to survey of
Alaska. Message from the President of the United States rela- tive to
American citizens, rights of, message from the President of the United States relative to trial and conviction of
Appropriations for reconstruction. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to
Appropriations for Post Office Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter from the Postmaster General relative to
Appropriations for War Department. Letter from the Secre- tary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of
Appropriations for expenses of Osage Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimate of
Appropriations, deficiencies in, for Interior Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to
Appropriations for reconstruction. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting estimates of
Appropriation for public buildings and grounds. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting communication from Chief of Engineers relative to an
Appropriation for friendly Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to an
Appropriations for Pottawatomie Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimates of.
Appropriations for friendly Indians, Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to
Appropriation for destitute Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting report relative to
2 11
7 9
15 15
9 11 13
19 19 17 17 15
188 238
80 125 1.57
309 296 290 255 236
Appi'cipriations fur public buildings. Letter from the Secretary of AVar, transmitting^ estimates of
Appropriations fur the Chippewa Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, sub.mittirig estimates of
Appropriations fur harhor and' river improvements. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting revised e.stimates of.
Appropriations for Indian service in California. Letter from the Secictary of the Interior, submitting estimates for the . . .
Appropriations for Sissiton and Wahpeton Indians. Letter from the Secretary of tlie Interior relative to
Appropriations, deficiency in, for Indian tribes Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimates of
Appropriations for Indian treaties. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to
Appropriations for State Departmeiat. Message from the Presi- dent of the United States, transmitting a report from the Sec- retary of State relative to
Appropriations for Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary of tlie Interior, transniitting estimates of additional
Appropriations for Navajo Indians. Letter from the Seeretaiy of the Interior, transmitting communication from Commis- sioner of Indian Affairs relative to
Appropriations for treaty with Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to
Arkansas and South Carolina. Message from the President, transmitting all papers relative to
Arkansas, election in. Letter from the General of the army, transmitting Major General Gillem's report of
Armory at Rock Island. Letter from the Secretary of War ad interim, transmitting joint resolution relative to the
Arms, 'manufacture of. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of the Chief of Ordnance relative to the..
Army, estimated diminution of the. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting statement of the
Arsenal, Bergen Heights. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting papers relative to the
Arsenal, Schuylkill. Letter from the Secretary of War, trans- mitting communication from the Quartermaster General rela- tive to
Assassination of President Lincoln. Message from the Presi- dent of the United States, transmitting a report of Geo H. Sharpe relative to the
Attorney General relative to the title to property at Harper's Ferry. Letter from the
Attorney General relative to twenty per cent, additional com- pensation. Letter from the
Attorney General relative to Indian trust fund. Letter frouQ the • â–
Attornej' General relative to counsel employed by him. from the
Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department of the operations of his office for the year ending June 30, 1867. Annual report of the Sixth
15 15 15 15 15 11 11
11 15
15 20 17 17 7 9 20 19
9 15
233 228 224 200 199 110 124
140 184
185 331
274 278 6 83 314 307
08 17 43 59 198
Banks, national, securities of. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, transmitting a report relative to 15 220
Battery in New York. Letter from the Secretary of War relative
to the purchase of certain land on the 15 232
Bingham's surge reliever. Letter from the Secretary of the
Mavy relative to 13 jg5
Bonds, ten-forty. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to the amount of bonds issued or disposed of by de- partment since October 1, J867 II X28
Bonds. Letter from the Si'cretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the purchase and sale of
Bonds, commission paid on the sale of. Letter from the Secre- tary of the Treasury relative to
Bosque Redondo reservation. Letter from the Secrelary of War relative to the
Bounties paid. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to bounties paid under the act of July 2><, 18fi6
Bridge at Rook island. Letter from the Secretary of War, recommending an appropriation for
Buffum, Robert. Letter fr ^m the Secretary of War, trans- mitting^ a communication from the Judge Advocate General relative to
Buildings leased in New Yoik and Brooklyn. Letter from the Seciefary ol War in answer to a resolution of the House of November 28, relative to "
Buildings leased in St. Lonis. Letter from the Secretary of War. transmitting, in answer to a resolunon of the House of the 26th of November, a statement of
California and Nevada volunteers. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to
Canal, ship, around the falls of the Ohio river. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting report rela- tive to the
Canal, Dismal Swamp. Letter from the Secretary of the Treas- ury, trKUhinitting an opinion by the Attorney General relative to the sale ot the ,
Canadian fisheries. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a commuuication from George W.'Brega rela- tive to
Capitol extension. Annual report of the architect of the
Capitol, repair.-* of. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, asking further appiopriations for the
Chattarmoga rolling mill. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to the sale of
Cherokee neutral lands. Letter from the Secretary of the In- terior ri-lative to
Choctaw nation, claims of. Letter fiom the Secretary of the Interior relative to the
Clerks in the Patent OlEce. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to
Clerks in the Interior Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting list of clerks appointed since April 1
Coal, contracts for. Letter from the. Secretary of the Navy, transuiittiug statement relative to the purchase of
Coast Survey Annual report of the Superintendent of the.. .
' Coinage of five-cent pieces. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury relative to
CoUector.s, deputy, pay of. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to
Colorado militia. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmit- ting accounts of the
Columbia hospital. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transinittuig report of the directors of the
Columbian hospital. Annual report of the directors of the
Columbian Institution for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. Re- port ot the president of the
Commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations. Report of the Secretary of State of the
Commissary department Letter from the Secretary of War relative to an increase of 'officers in the
Commissary General of Subsistence. Annual report of the.. -
Vol. |
Part. |
No. |
7 |
34 |
15 |
242 |
]5 |
248 |
20 |
320 |
J9 |
306 |
9 |
74 |
7 |
9 |
7 |
15 |
7 |
24 |
15 |
181 |
11 |
135 |
17 3 |
1 |
29.-, I |
7 |
21 |
9 |
77 |
11 |
132 |
11 |
138 |
17 |
254 |
17 |
287 |
20 18 |
333 275 |
n |
100 |
20 |
324 |
7 |
7 |
7 3 |
i |
29 1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
14 |
160 |
7 2 |
i |
37 1 |
Compensation, 20 per cent. Letter from the Secretary of War
relative to
Compensation, 20 per cent. Letter from the Commissioner of
Agriculture relative to
QompensatioD, 20 per cent. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior relative to
Compensation, 20 per cent. Letter from the Attorney General
relative to
Compensation, 20 per cent. Letter from the Postmaster Gen- eral relative to.-..
Compensation, 20 per cent. Letter from the Secretary of State
relative to
Compensation, 20 per cent. Letter fromj the Secretary of the
J?avy relative to -
Compensation, 20 per cent. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury relative to
Compensation, 20 per cent. Letter from the War Department
relative to
Confederate property in Europe. Letter from the Secretar}' of
the Treasury relative to certain efforts of that department for
the recovery of
Contracts by quartermasters' department. Letter from the
Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of
Contracts by engineer department. Letter from the Secretary
of War, traftsmitting list of
Contracts by ordnance department. Letter from the Secretary
of War, transmitting a statement of
Contracts by quartermasters' department. Letter from the
Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of
Contracts by quartermasters' department. Letter from the
Secretary of War, transmitting statements of
Contracts by the quartermasters' depvtment. Letter from
the Secretary of War, transmitting statement during the
month of March, 1 868, of
Cooper, Edmund. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury
relative to
Corks, duty on. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury
relative to
Correspondence, Grant and the President. Letter from the
Secretary of War relative to ,,,
Counsel employed by the Attorney General. Letter from the
Attorney General relative to
Court of Claims, judgment in. Letter from the Secretary of
the Treasury relative to
Cox, John T. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting
report relative to
Currency. Annual report of the Comptroller of the
CuBtom-house buildings at Pittsburg. Letter from the Sec- retary of the Treasury relative to the condition of
Custom-house at Toledo. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury relative to the
Davis, Jefferson, capture of. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting information on file in that department relative to.
Disbursements: contingent fund of the State Department." Letter from the Secretary of State, transmittit^ statements of.
Disqualifications of certain civil officers. Letter from the Sec- ' retary of War, transmitting communication from the com- manding general of first military district relative to
Dodge, General, report. Letter from the Secretary of" the" Interior, transmitting
Duty on foreign stock. Letter from the Commissioner' of' Agriculture relative to the
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
19 7 11 11 11 13
17 15 9 11 15 17
6 20 19
11 11
19 20 11
63 55 42 43 44 50 52 53 54
304 35 130 145 148 167
147 4
115 139
302 331 121
Education. Annual report of the Commissioner of
Elections in first military district, expenses of. Letter from the â– Secretary of War, transmitting communication from General Schofield relative to
Elections in southern States Letter from the General of the army, transmitting reports of the district commanders of the-
Elections in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Letter from the General of the army, transmitting report of General Meade ; also two orders of General Canby relative to.
Elections in North and South Carolina. Letter from the Gen- eral of the army, transmitting abstract from General Cauby's report relative to the
Election in Alabama. Letter from the Secretary of War, trans- mitting report from the General of the army relative to recent
Engineer department. Letter from the Secretary of War, recommending the passage of a resolution for the settlement of accounts of certain officers of the
Engineer of the army. Keport of the operations of his depart- ment during the year ended June 30, 1 867
Estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending Juno .30, 1869
Papers accompanying the above.
Estimates of additional appropriations for 1868, and details . ..
permanent appropriations for three quarters 1868.
Letter of Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates
for 1869
Legislative :
Compensation and mileage of senators •
of officers, clerks, &c., in service of the Senate
Contingent expenses of the Senate
Compensation and mileage of members of House of Repre- sentatives
Compensation and mileage of officers, &c., in service of House of Representatives
Contingent expenses of House of Representatives
Compensation of Congressional Printer, clerks, &c
Contingent expenses of office of Congressional Printer
Compensation of librarian of Congress, &c
Contingent expenses of library, purchase of books, &c
Salaries of Court of Claims
Contingent expenses, compensation of attorneys, payment of judgments
Executive :
Compensation of President of the United States
Vice*President of the United States - - .
Compensation of private secretary of President of the United
Contingent expenses of the executive office
Department of State :
Salaries in office of Secretary of State
Contingent expenses of Department of State.
General purposes of northeast executive building
Treasury Department salaries :
Office of Secretary of the Treasury
First Comptroller
Second Comptroller
Commissioner of Customs
First Auditor
19 19
244 291
301 303
3 3
OfSce of Second Auditor
Third Auditor
Fourtl] Auditor
Fifih Auditor
Auditor Post Office Department
Treasurer of the United States
Register of the Treasury
Solicitor of the Treasury
Comptroller of the Currency
Paper, special dies, &c., of office of Comptroller of the
Office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Rent, dies, &c, of office of Commissioner of Infernal Revenue Salaries and expenses of collectors, assessors, tfcc of inter- nal revenue
Detecting and bringing to trial persons violating internal revenue laws
Contingent expenses of the Treasury Department:
Temporary cleiks in the Treasury Department .-
Additional clerks in the Treasury Department
Contingent of Treasury Department and bureaus
Stationery for Treasury Depaitnjeut and bureaus
Furniture, carpets, &c., for Treasury Department and
General purposes of southeast executive building
Department of the Interior:
Salaries in office of Secretary of the Interior
Commissioner General Land Office
Indian office
Pension office
Contingent expenses in office of Secretary of the Interi' r
Contingent expenses in office of Commissioner of Indian
Contingent expenses in office of Commissioner of Pensions . Contingent expenses in office of Coujnjissioner General Laud
Compensation of surveyor genera] and clerks
Expenses of courts of the United States -
Compiling, &c. , Biennial Register
War Department:
Salaries in office of Secretary of War
Adjutant General
Quartermaster General
Pay master General
Commissary General
Surgeon General
Chief Engitieer
Colonel ot Orduan<;e
Military Justice ,
Salaries in signal office
Contingent expenses in office ol Secretary of War and bureaus, Salaiies and contingent expenses of northwest executive
building ;
Salaries and contingent expenses of building corner of Sev- enteenth and F stieets ,
Salaries and contingent expenses of building corner of Fif- teenth and F streets
Navy Department:
Salaries in office of Secretary of the Navy
Bureau of Yards and Docks
Equipment and Recruiting
Salaries in Bureau of Ordnance
Construction and Repair
Steam Engineering
Provisions and Clothing
Medicine and Surgery
Contingent expenses in office of Secretary of the Navy and
Salaries and cuntingencies in southwest executive buildiug .
in iiffice of Postmaster (ieneial
Contingent expenses of Post Oflfice Department
Department ot Agricultuie
Mint of United Sfales at Philadelphia, and branches, &c.-.
Independent trea^uiy '
Governments in the Temtorics
Salaries in i office of Attorney General
Contingent expensi-s of Attorney General
Justices of Supreme Court of tlie Ujiited States
District judges of the United States
Courts of Disirict of Columbia
Eeporter ot decisions of Supreme Court of the United States,
Di>tiict attorneys of the United States
Intercourse with foreign nations
Miscellaneous :
Expenses of loans, &c
Supervising and Uical inspectors
Electiical telegraph between the Atlantic and Pacific
Detection aud bringing to trial, &c., counterfeiters
Eeliet ot sick and disabled seamen
Collecnon of statistical inforination
Revision and ciaisolidaticm of laws of the United States
Bringing virtes for Piesident and Vice-President
Survey of coast of the United Static â–
Light-hi use < stablichnieut
Sundry light houses, beacons, buoyK, &c
custom-houses, court-houses, &c
Under diiection of the Interior Department:
Rent of office fc r surveyor genet al, &c
Public w(riks in Wnslungton
Smithsonian 1 n^titution
Jail in District of Columbia
Government Hospital for Insane
Metropolitan Police
Columbian lostitutionfor Deaf and Dumb
Hospital for Women, &c
Collecting revenue from sale of lands
Surveying public lands
Current expenses of Indian department
Annuities to Indian tribes
General expense of Indian department
War Department :
Army proper
Armoiy, atsenals, &c
Military Academy
FortiticatiotLS, &c
Harbor and river improvements
Public buildings and grounds
Navy Departmei.t
Eecapitulatiou of annual estimates
Estimates of pernianent appropriations for 1869.. Statement of balances of appropriations
Part Ne.
Estimates of Postmaster General
Details of Congiessioiial Printer
Department of Agriculture
Mint of United States, Assay Office, New York, &c.
United Stales Coast Survey
Light-house establishment
Details of Interior Department :
Current expenses of Indian department
Annuities to various Indian tribes .'
Miscellaneous items of Indian department
Collecting revehue from sales of public lands
Compeujtation of surveyors general and clerks
Rent of offices for surveyors general, &c
Surveying public lands — --
Columbian Institute for Deaf and Dumb
Government hospital for insane
Public works, Capitol extension, &c
Metropolitan Police
Jail in District of Columbia
Smithsonian Institution — i.
Details of War Department :
Pay of the army, &c
Quartermasters' department
Surgeon General's office
Ordnance office
Military Academy
Office of Chief Engineer
Signal office
Bureau Military Justice
Details of Navy Department :
Bureau of Yards and Docks
Equipment and Eecruiting .
Construction and Repair —
Steam Engineering
Provisions and Clothing
Medicine and Surgery
Marine corps
Estimates for the Post Office Department. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting
Estimates of appropriations for surs'ey of Indian lands. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transuiitling
Estimate of appropriation, Paymaster General. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting
Estimate of appropriations for Navy Department, revised. Let- ter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting
Estimates of appropriations, revised. Post Office Department. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting
Estimates of appropriations for the General Land Office for the year ending June '.id, J869. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to
Estimates for surveying service. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to
Famine in Sweden and Norway. Message from the President of the United States relative to the
15 15
182 192
Finances for the year 1867. Eeport of the Secretary of the Treasury on the. . 1
Florida. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting papers relative to proceedings in
Foreign intercourse, contingent expenses of. Message from the President of the United States relative to
Fort Eiley military reservation. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to the
Fort Covicgton. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmit- ting draught of joint resolution for the sale of the site of
Fort David Russell. Letter from the Secretary of War, trans- mitting a report relative to establishing an arsenal at
Fort Leavenworth, right of way. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting papers relative to
Fort Leavenworth military reservation. Letter from the Sec- retary of War, transmitting a communication relative to the sale of
Fort Gratiot reseivation, sale of. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to
Froedmen, Refugees, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of. Report of the Commissioner of
Freedmen and taxation. Communication from the Commis- sioner of Freednien's Affairs, transmitting petition of colored people of Kentucky relative to
Freednien's affairs in Kentucky and Tennessee. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of Major General Carlin relative to ,
General of the army, transmitting an abstract from General Canby relative to elections in North and South Carolina. Letter from the
General of the army, transmitting report by General Meade rela- tive to elections in Georgia ; also two orders by General Canby, commanding 2d military district. Letter from the
General of the army, transnritting reports of the district com- manders of the elections in southern States. Letter from the
General of the army, relative to the number of votes cast for the new constitution. Letter from the
General of the army, transmitting Major General Gillem's report of the recent election in Arkansas. Letter from the
General of the army, transmitting telegram from General George G. Meade. Letter from
General of the army, transmitting correspondence with General Hancock relative to the removal of New Orleans councilmen. Letter from the
General of the army, relative to the removal of the city council of New Orleans. Letter from the
German States, rights of naturalized citizens in. Message from the President of the United States relative to
Gettysburg asylum lottery. Letter from the Commissioner of Internal revenue relative to
Gold, sales of. Letter from the Secretaiy of the Treasury, transmitting statement of, since March, 1861
Goldsborough, Louis M. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy relative to
Grant, General, relative to the removal of Hon. E. M. Stanton, General Sheridan, and General Sickles. Letter from
Hancock, General W. S. Message from the President of the United States recommendingsooie recognition of the services of.
Harbors on Lake Ontario. Letter firom the Secretary of War relative to
19 17 17 17 11
9 11
2 297 219 206 88 64 108
300 291
58 119
Harbor at Wilson, New York. Letter from the Secretary of War, tran.smittiiig commimication from the Chief of Eoftineers relativi' ro the -
Harbor at Mii-liigan City. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to " ^ ---
Harl-or at Alton, Illinois. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to
Hardt, Adam. Letter from the Secretaiy of Warrelative to the claim of -
Harper's ferry, property at. Letter from the Attorney General relative to
Hayti. Messagefrom thePresident of the United States, trans- mitting comniUiiicatioti from the Secretary of the Navy rela- tive to a naval force at
Holliidiiy, Beuiamin, contracts with. Letter from the Post- master (leneral, transmitting copies of all
House of Correction. Report of the board of trustees of the..
Immigration, board of, expenditures of the. Letter from the Secietary of State relative to the
Income tax. Letter from the Secretiiry of the Treasury relative to the -,
Indian spoliation claims. Letter from the Secretary of the In- terior lelative to
Indians, Me-shin-go-me-sia band. Letter from the Secretary of the Iiiterioi relative to issuing patents to the
Indian trust iund. Letter from the Attorney General, trans- mitting papers relative to the
Inoians, c-iuux, destitution of. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a communicaiiun from Conmiissioner of Indian Affaiis relative to
Indian p-tace commissiiners, report c f. Message from the Presi- dent of the Inited S'ates, transmitting
Indians, Qiiapaw Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting comuiunicatiou relative to the suffering condi- tion of the
Indian. Sioux, reservation. Letter from the Secretary of the Inteiior relative to the sale of
Indians, Cherokee, interest to. Letter from the Secretary of the Inteiior relative to
Indians, Iowa. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior rela- tive to the petition of the
Indian Affairs, Commissioner of. Letter from the Secretary of the Inteiior transmitting estimate oi' appropriations to supply deticieiicy in the office of the
Indians, Cherokee, annuities to. Letter from the Secretary of the Trt-asui y, asking an appropriation for pa^ ing
Indians, Cieek, refugees. Letter from the Secretary of the In- terior, trausniitiiug esiimates of appropriation for the removal of the
Indian affairs, transfer of jurisdiction over. Letter from the Secretary of the Ti easuiy relative to
Indians ot Aleutian isles. Letter from the Secretary of the In- terior, ivcomniendiugan appropriation for
Indian Atfairs„ Annual report of the Commissioner of
Indians, Chippewa, appropriations for. Letter from the Secre- tary of the Interior, submitting estimates of
Indian tiibes, subsistence of. Letter from the Secretary of War, transniiitiufr communication from Lieutenant General Sher- man lelative to ~.
Indians, Chippewa. Letter from the Secietary of the Interior, transmitting report relative to the necessities of the
InJian service, disbursements fur the. Letter from the Secre- tary of the Interior, transmitting statement of
]5 15 17
1.5 3
7 11 1.5
7 9
9 11
11 11 11 II
11 13
15 3
201 1
18 156 194
45 59
76 97
122 137 141 152
155 173
216 1
246 71
Indians, Sioux. Letter from the Spcretary of the Interior, trans- mitting letter from General Sibley relative to the destitute condition of the .'
Indian tribes in Kansas. Letter from the Secretary of the In- terior, transmitting report of A. K. Banks relative to the desti- tute condition of
Indians, destitute friendly. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to an appropriation for
Indians, Pottawatomie, appropriations for Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimates of
Indians, Navajo and Ute, removal of. Letter from the Secre- tary of the Interior, transmitting telegram from General Sber man relative to
Indians, Great and Little Osage. Message from the President of the United States relative to a treaty with the
Indian hostilities in California. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to
Indians, Seneca, treaty stipulations with. Letter from the Sec- retary of the Interior, transmitting estimate of appropriations to carry out
Indians, Kickapoo. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative to the
Indian hospital. Annual report of the board of vi.iitors for the.
Inspectors, supervisors and local. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to the expenditures for salaries of-. .-
Inspector General and Inspector of the Military Academy. An- nual report ofthe
Interior. Annual report of the Secretary of the
Papers accompanying the above.
Annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land OflBce.
Annual report ot the Commissioner of Pensions
Annual report of the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dum b
Annual report of the board of visitors and superiiatendent of construction of the Government Hospital for the Insane for the year ]8t)6-'67
Annual report ofthe Metropolitan Police for the year 1867..-
Annual repot 1 1 if the architect of the Capitol extension
Annual repurt of the warden of the United States jail
Report of the board of trustees of the House of Correction. ..
Annual report ofthe directors of Columbian Hospital
Interior, askiug further appropriations for repairs of the old por- tion of the Capitol. I..etter from the Secretary of the.. .. . ..
Interior, transmitting a report ofthe directors of the Columbia
Hospital. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, trausLriitting papers relative to Union Pacific railroad.
Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, asking an appropriation for deficiency in pension fund.
Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, tiansniitting report of the condition of public buildings
in New Mexico. Letter from the Secretary ot the
Interior, relative to sale of Otoe Indian reservation. Letter
from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to twenty per cent, compensation. Letter
from the Secretary ofthe
Interior, relative to the Me-shin-go-me-sia band of Indians.
Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, askiug appropriation for the Pateut Office. Letter
from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting estimates for survey of Indian land. Let- ter from the Secretary of the ,
Inteiior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner
of the General Land Office relative to publication of maps.
Letter from the Secretary ofthe
17 17 17
19 19 20
20 3
308 310 322
340 1
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to destitution of Sioux Indians. Let- ter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to the survey of land in Alaska. Letter from
the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting report relative to the sale of certain Indian
lands in Kansas. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting estimates of appropriations for expenses
of Osage Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting estimate of appropriations for survey of land for the benefit of Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians. Let- ter from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting draught of appropriations required by Interior Department for the present fiscal year. Letter from
the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting estimates of appropriations for Indian
tribes. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, submitting a clause to be inserted in the appropriation bill relative to the purchase of the United States statutes.
Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting communication from the Commisioner of Indian Affairs relative to the suffering condition of the Qua-
paw Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to appropriations for carrying on Indian
treaties. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to the Cherokee neutral lands in Kansas. Let- ter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to the survey of the Choctaw country. Letter
from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to the sale of the Sioux Indian reservation.
Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to the claim by the Choctavv' Nation against
the United StH tes. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to the payment of interest to Cherokee Indians.
Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to the petition of the Iowa Indians. Letter
from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting estimates of deficiencies in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Letter from the Secre- tary of the
Interior, transmittiirg estimates of appropriation for the removal
of the Creek Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to estimates of appropriation required by the General Land Office for the year ending June 31), 1889. Let- ter from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting estimates of additional appropriations for various bands of Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary
of the
Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to the Navajo Indians in New
Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting report of the commission to select a site for n post office in the city of New York. Letter from the
Secretary of the
Interior, relative to certain liabilities on account of records fur- nished for the use of the register of deeds for the District of
Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to the proposed reduction of estimates for the surveying service for the year ending June 30, 1869. Letter
from the Secretary of the
Interior, relative to amount of Indian spoliation claims in the Department of the Interior. Letter from the Secretary of the. Interior, relative to an appropriation to carry out treaty stipula- tions with the Sissiton and Wahpeton bands of Dakota In- dians. Letter from the Secretary of the
11 11 11 11 11
n 11 11
15 15
122 124 132 133 137 138 141 152
155 175
192 194
Interior, submitting estimate of appropriation for the Indian service in California, incurred during the years 1860 to 1867. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, relating to report of commissioners under treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians. Letter from the Secre- tary of the
Interior, relative to the grant of lands to Iowa for railroad pur- poses, by act approved May 1 5, 1856. Letter from the Sec- retary of the
Interior, recommending an appropriation to be expended in presents for the Indians of the Aleutian isle, in Alaska. Let- ter from the Secretary of the